Supporting the Manitoba First Nation Business Community
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Building Economic Independence from the Ground Up

Fisher River Economic Development Corporation Case Study

The Fisher River Economic Development Corporation (FRED) works on behalf of the Fisher River Cree Nation. As the leading economic driver for the community, FRED is committed to creating new employment opportunities, empowering individuals and strengthening the community's social and economic fabric.

The First Peoples Economic Growth Fund (FPEGF) is proud to support FRED in numerous capacities. A recent focus on tourism and fisheries, FPEGF has previously supported many initiatives including the Fisher River Car Wash & Laundromat, Grocery Store, Bay River Developments, Fisher River Building Supplies (Castle Group), Bay River Inn & Suites, Photovoltaic Solar Farm, Fisher River Multiplex and the Community Hall.

Fisher River hit national headlines in 2020 with FRED's launch of Manitoba's biggest solar project, a 1-megawatt facility with almost 3,000 solar panels and built entirely by Indigenous employees. Funded by FPEGF, this project along with geothermal heating systems for 300 homes are reducing electricity costs with renewable energy solutions.

“Our goal was to get our foot into green energy,” says Lorne Cochrane, Chairman & President of FRED. “We can't continue to say we're stewards of the land without taking these kinds of actions. By going that way it opened up not only our eyes, but the eyes of many others, to look at green energy...In the future, we'd like to be our own utility company.”

Grand Opening for FN Paper and Chemical Supply Ltd.


Leading in the area of sustainability serves Fisher River well as they develop their community as a tourism destination centred on the beautiful and pristine Fisher Bay Provincial Park. Visitors are invited to stay at Fisher River Cree Nation at the Bay River Inn & Suites and go on an adventure with Fisher River Outfitters, offering bear, deer and waterfowl hunting, as well as fishing experiences. As well, 14 new cottages have been built on the lake as part of a cottage development project.


The biggest income earner, making over $1 million over four years, is the flagship store, Fisher River Building Supply (a member of the Castle Building Centres Group). “To us, economic success isn't just about putting money in the bank,” says Cochrane. “It's about employment, pride, stability, steady jobs that pay well.” A symbol of economic stability, Fisher River Building Supplies has attracted more vendors to the community over the years. It's a good example of how FPEGF has become an indispensable partner in building up community services, helping the community become more independent and resilient.


At the heart of Fisher River Cree Nation is their investment and livelihood from the fisheries based on Lake Winnipeg, with Cochrane saying: “The fishing industry is our identity, who we are. The reason we're here, why we relocated from Norway House.” With 100 commercial licences, FRED manages a larger fish processing plant as well as a smaller one held in the community to enhance sustainable food sourcing. FPEGF helped support the purchasing of licences and expand the fish processing plant.


When faced with flooding and hydro outages, the community faces the challenges together. The Community Hall becomes the emergency shelter. Cochrane says, “The safety of our members is paramount. In 2019, we were without hydro for 8 days. We run our own emergency services out of the Community Hall and our motel hosts evacuees. Our building supplies provide materials for flooded homes and damage due to disasters. We're self-sustaining and it's due to our leadership, our directors, our board, our community. We are supportive of each other and ensure governance is running smoothly.”

When asked about how the community is remaining resilient in the face of many social and economic challenges, Chief Crate says: “Our ability to address issues comes from a long history of facing emergencies. Flooding has impacted our community along with an epidemic of drug use. Community planning is critical in everything we do. When you have access to resources and money in the bank you can be more resilient. We address debt load while also holding a surplus that allows us to manage emergencies.”


Working with FPEGF has proven over time to be a beneficial relationship, says Chief David Crate, “They understand the challenges we have as First Nations when we're trying to leverage the little money we have and the little equitable assets we hold. Because of the reserve lands and the Indian Act, it's a breath of fresh air that FPEGF can understand where we're at and that our resources aren't readily available.”

“We meet regularly, we brainstorm,” says Lorne Cochrane, FRED President. “They challenge me in a good way and I do the same. One of the things we really appreciate is their encouragement. We hit a plateau at one time and just weren't progressing. So they helped us secure the funds to do a business assessment. A consultant came in and did an independent assessment to see where we could be more profitable. The support was there to help us grow.”


One of the ingredients of success is how the nation and FRED are governed. “Part of our success is our administration, how we do business with due diligence, and how we focus on not taking on unmanageable debt,” says Chief Crate. “The continuity of our leadership provides stability, and our policies are fair and equitable. We are very transparent about what we're doing. After all, if our people don't trust us, how will they stay with us? We take care of our own and make sure they are comfortable.”

By working together the community has developed the conditions that make new initiatives a team effort. “It's about engagement, transparency, accountability,” says Cochrane. “Our chief and council are committed to our initiatives. We engage them too, and they bring ideas, and ideas come through community consultation processes. We have a strong financial administration. So, our community knows we're transparent, fair and equitable. It also allows financial institutions to know there is limited to no risk in dealing with Fisher River. Our governance is strong here, it alleviates a lot of concerns from outside agencies who want to invest in us.”


In the future, there is a clear vision for what is needed, Chief Crate saying: “I wish there were more resources available. I wish, on a bigger picture, that we could use political organizations to lobby for greater funding, regional authorities with grants. We really appreciate FPEGF and know that low or no interest rate loans really help us grow and become more independent over the long run.”

Fisher River Cree Nation believes they are just scratching the surface of opportunity. They're ambitious and optimistic, believing opportunities lie beyond their own community, investing in the economy of Manitoba.

Grand Opening for FN Paper and Chemical Supply Ltd.

FPEGF was honoured to take part in the Grand Opening for FN Paper and Chemical Supply Ltd. We wish them success in all of their endeavors and look forward to future growth and expansion within their company. Special thank you to the Honourable Ian Bushie, Minister of Indigenous Economic Development, and MKO Grand Chief Garrison Settee, for your strong support for our client and the Indigenous business sector, Chi- Miigwetch.

Play Video Watch the video of the event!

Grand Opening for FN Paper and Chemical Supply Ltd.

NACCA - Indigenous Business Awards

FPEGF would like to congratulate both winners of the NACCA - Indigenous Business Awards.

FPEGF was fortunate to be in attendance at the 2023 Indigenous Prosperity Forum to witness Michelle Cameron of Dreamcatcher Promotions win the Indigenous Business of the Year – Award of Excellence, as well as Christa Bruneau-Guenther of Feast Cafe Bistro win the Indigenous Women Entrepreneur – Award of Excellence.

FPEGF is so proud of both entrepreneurs’ accomplishments over the past several years, and their continued success.

FPEGF is honoured to have played a role by providing start-up and expansion capital and will continue to support both of these First Nations entrepreneurs in their future growth.

Congrats again Michelle and Christa, well-deserved!

2023 Indigenous Prosperity Forum

Waywayseecappo Food Mart Grand Opening, October 27, 2022

10th Anniversary

Economic fund fuels Indigenous businesses in Manitoba

Winnipeg Free Press by Martin Cash, October 3, 2018

Click here to view the article.

Winnipeg Free Press by Martin Cash, October 3, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press by Martin Cash, October 3, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press by Martin Cash, October 3, 2018

Winnipeg Free Press by Martin Cash, October 3, 2018

FPEGF 10th Anniversary Luncheon Invitation

NACCA Awards 1st Place to FPEGF Inc.

Our CEO Ian Cramer accepted the award on behalf of FPEGF Inc. at the NACCA AGA held in Thunder Bay, ON on June 18th, 2014.

NACCA Awards 1st Place to FPEGF Inc.

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